Increasing Product Adoption Through Improved Product Vision and Development Process

Client’s Challenge

Poor Product Adoption Rate

Our client’s did not have a well defined product development process. They were building products that were not being adopted by customers. They asked us to help them establish a process for understanding customer issues and improve their product development process.

Our Solution

Implementation of Product Development Process

Our team worked with senior leadership to understand the customer issues, resulting in the development and initiation of a process for vetting products.

Value Realized

Increase in Product Adoption Rate & Customer Satisfaction

With a well defined product development process in place, the client’s team was able to improve cross functionalities, reduce time and resource waste, and improve customer satisfaction.

Project Details

Our client was building products that were not being adopted, wasting time, effort, and capital in the process.

They desired a better approach to the technology lifecycle as there was no methodology on how a product was visioned, only a process on how the product was solutioned.

It was discovered that the client’s development team took on all asks from sales and management teams which resulted in constantly shifting priorities and an inability to provide a cohesive message to their customers on what was being built. Many times, when projects were completed, their customers were delivered a product that they didn’t want.

Our team developed a strategy session at the senior leadership level to understand where the product needed to go.

We then installed a cross functional team to partner with product management on understanding what problems their customers were having. With this knowledge, we were able to collaborate with key stakeholders to bring vision to the group.

Our team also installed an intake process that only solutioned efforts that had been fully vetted and designed to the business problem, so that solutions met the challenges of their customers. Prioritization meetings were pushed back to the senior leadership teams for transparency and proper asset management.

Armed with an education around technology strategy and value, the client’s team developed transparency in work efforts and were able to implement a process of creating problem statements prior to solution development.

Their customers were happier, time and capital waste was minimized, and teamwork improved.

Could your next project benefit from our specialized expertise? Contact us today.