You might think custom software development means building a new application from the ground up, but that isn’t always the case. Depending on circumstances, creating custom software can be a simple and economical solution to streamline systems or workflows.

What is Custom Application Development?

Custom application development is the process of designing software to meet the needs of a specific user or group of users. It can involve designing a brand-new application based on requirements defined by the end user or designing a solution that connects two or more existing applications so they can be more efficiently used. In either case, there are many advantages of custom software development that we’ll discuss here.

Benefits of Custom Software Development

Let’s take a look at 5 benefits of customized solutions:

  • Personalization – Optimize according to your specific business workflows and remove constraints from existing systems.
  • Efficiency – Save your employees time, improve the user experience, and streamline reporting.
  • Iteration – Adjust your approach or change priorities on the fly.
  • Scalable Growth – Evolve the software as you grow and needs change. Plan for the long run.
  • Outside Perspective – Get fresh ideas by working with an external development team.

1.  Personalization

When using an application developed for more general use, your organization has to adapt workflow to fit the constraints with which it was designed. However, a custom application allows you to consider your ideal workflow scenario and specific requirements. This means that you can personalize every aspect of the application to fit your strategic direction and optimize workflow as much as possible.

For example, a behavioral health services organization might customize an app to include streamlined access to all patient forms and data. This access would cut down on processing time and ultimately conserve company resources.

2.  Efficiency

One of the main benefits of using a custom software application is an increase in efficiency. There are several domains where this efficiency can be leveraged:

  • Access – Rather than juggling multiple tools to accomplish a task or project, employees can consolidate their workflow on one platform and increase productivity. Users have one login and smoother access to all functionalities.
  • Employee Training & Onboarding – It’s much more efficient to train a new hire on one platform rather than multiple platforms.
  • Reporting & Analysis – From an analysis perspective, management can aggregate reporting across several tools within one system. This gives the whole organization faster access to data and a more streamlined workflow.
  • User Authentication – Additionally, custom applications can often plug into existing and established user authentication – like what the team uses today to login into their laptop or portal. Having fewer passwords to remember is always appreciated, and allowing some permissions driven by groups setup by your organization can streamline audits and controls if someone leaves the organization.

3.  Iteration

Many of today’s custom applications are made with an agile development style. This means that the developers create the platform in sprints, starting with the minimal viable product (MVP). Your organization can test the MVP and suggest changes early in the development process.

These frequent touch points allow your company to pivot your approach or change priorities, while keeping the development process on schedule.

Keep in mind, an agile approach isn’t the best choice in every situation. At InfoWorks, we base our custom software development approach on a thorough understanding of application requirements and client and user goals, resulting in a cost-effective and timely delivery.

4.  Scalable Growth

Imagine the time and cost saving benefits you could realize with a custom software application developed for your business processes, with the flexibility to evolve as your business needs evolve. As new clients are onboarded, new departments are opened, or new product offerings are developed, the application can evolve quickly to match your new tasks and objectives.

5.  Outside Perspective

True process improvement can be challenging when you’re seeing workflow and best practices through an internal lens. It’s common for organizations to get stuck in everyday rhythms, even when the approach isn’t the most beneficial.

Working with a development firm to develop a custom software application offers an outside perspective on existing workflows. The agency might see areas for improvement that your team hasn’t noticed, and they can then create an application to support these enhancements.

Today’s organizations are often as productive as their technology

Investing in custom software application development can enhance user satisfaction, streamline workflows, and grow with your business, among other benefits.

Review this custom software case study to see how InfoWorks helped a Big 4 accounting firm transform their workflow with application development services. When you’re ready, reach out to discuss how a custom software solutions could give you a competitive edge..

About Kristin Bollinger

Ms. Bollinger is a business consultant who holds a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and a bachelor’s degree in Communication of Science & Technology. She is a PMP-certified project manager and a Prosci-certified change practitioner. Her strengths include executive communication, leading cross-functional teams, and excellent project organization skills in a fast-paced environment​

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